what is 11 plus tutoring
what is 11 plus tutoring
"11 Plus Tutoring
Kingston Upon Thames" typically
refers to private tutoring services that focus on helping students prepare for
the 11 plus exam. The 11 plus exam is a selective test taken by some students
in England and Northern Ireland, typically in Year 6 of primary school (around
age 10 or 11), which determines whether they are eligible to attend a selective
secondary school.
11 plus tutoring can cover a range of subjects,
including English, maths, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning, which are
all tested on the 11 plus exam. The tutoring can be done in a one-on-one
setting or in small groups and can be delivered in person or online.
The goal of 11 plus Science Lessons Kingston Upon
Thames is to help students
develop the skills and knowledge they need to perform well on the exam and
improve their chances of gaining entry to a selective secondary school.
Exams are difficult, but we could make them simpler by
equipping your child with the abilities they need to do well. Grammar schools
seek out students with strong proficiency in both math and Language as well as
the capacity to work well under pressure.
The good news is that Explore Learning's 11+ tutors
can assist your family in getting ready for entrance examinations and the 11
Plus right immediately. They will collaborate with you to achieve the greatest
Attending Explore Learning's specially designed
classes for younger students provides a solid foundation in the arithmetic and
English abilities necessary for future exam achievement.
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